There is a light at the end of the tunnel. With the increasing availability of a vaccine, the Covid-19 Lockdown is coming to an end. And, like blurry-eyed bears coming out of hibernation, people will soon emerge from their hermetically sealed homes and re-enter the world.

But what kind of world will it be? More importantly, what kind of world will they be expecting?

The World as We Knew It

We all remember what life was like before the Coronavirus: crowded bars, restaurants with tables inches away from each other, packed gyms, dark and dingy parking garages, people bumping into each other while shopping, close talkers, etc. In short, no personal space and questionable sanitary conditions.

The world, as we knew it, was kind of a dingy, dirty and disorganized place, and our health took a hit because of it. Like a warm knife through cold butter, Covid exposed society’s weaknesses and shortcomings. In hindsight, it’s simple to see why it was so easy for diseases like Covid to spread. We got a kind of lazy.

It’s our chance to learn from this.

Flash forward to today. People are more cautious, some would say paranoid, about their surroundings. They don’t want to touch anything, talk to anyone or be exposed to anything. Yet, they are dying to get back to life – seeing movies, eating at restaurants, going on vacations, shopping in stores, working from work.

Their health is now of the utmost importance to them, and it should be to you, too. How can you reopen and make your customers feel good about visiting you?

What Does Your Parking Say About You?

There’s an old saying – if you can’t do the little things, you won’t do the big things. Getting people to return to your establishment – whatever it may be – is a big thing, but the first thing those people will see is your parking.

Parking is more important than ever. Over the last year, the use of public transportation has declined by as high as 81% , at the same time used car sales skyrocketed causing supply shortages. This means that once the pandemic subsides, more people will be choosing their cars over public transportation. This isn’t just because they now own cars, busses, trolleys, subways and trains (like all public places) now perceived as Petri dishes of germs and biological hazards.

So, how is your parking?

Is it disorganized? Dirty? Dark? This is your company’s first impression, and it’s going to be an issue for the quarantine emergers. If you don’t feel safe parking, you probably won’t visit the business.

At ParkHelp, we have solutions to:

  • Increase Traffic Flow
  • Neutralize Viruses
  • Improve Sanitation
  • Enhance Lighting
  • And more.

These improvements will not only make your ground or structural parking more appealing to customers, but they will also help you create additional revenue, improve lot efficiency and increase safety.

At the end of the day, all of the in-businesses safety measures mean nothing if you’re not getting the customers into your door. A happy customer will buy more things, and a customer will not be happy parking in a building they will not feel safe. We can help.

Looking to Improve Safety in Your Parking Facility?